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John von Neumann mbti kişilik türü

John von Neumann mbti kişilik türü image


"John von Neumann hangi kişilik türü? John von Neumann, MBTI, 5w6 - so/sp - 548 'de ENTP kişilik türüdür, SCUEI, SCUEI, büyük 5, ILE' dır."

Neumann is not a 5. This guy is one of the greatest (if not the greatest) example(s) of what a genius E7 looks like. So7 and ILE make the most sense. " Another member of the institute said quote: “Einstein’s mind was slow and contemplative. He would think about something for years. Johnny’s mind was just the opposite. It was lightning quick—stunningly fast. If you gave him a problem he either solved it right away or not at all. If he had to think about it a long time and it bored him, his interest would begin to wander. And Johnny’s mind would not shine unless whatever he was working on had his undivided attention.” " " Von Neumann’s personality did not fit the stereotype of a quiet academic. He was a notorious practical joker and the life of the party with a mental library of jokes at his disposal. He was known as an occasional heavy drinker, whimsical, sarcastic and a terrible driver. Lastly he was described as a charming man prone to small acts of kindness who was highly admired by people who knew him. " " Von Neumann is remembered as a man of warm personality: courteous, charming, and jovial, with an often ribald, sometimes wry, sense of humor that made him excellent company and gained him a reputation as a bon vivant. He was fond of limericks and practical jokes and hosted frequent Princeton parties. "


John von Neumann (December 28, 1903 – February 8, 1957) was a Hungarian-American mathematician, physicist, computer scientist, and polymath. Von Neumann was generally regarded as the foremost mathematician of his time and said to be "the last representative of the great mathematicians"; a genius who was comfortable integrating both pure and applied sciences. He made major contributions to a number of fields, including mathematics (foundations of mathematics, functional analysis, ergodic theory, representation theory, operator algebras, geometry, topology, and numerical analysis), physics (quantum mechanics, hydrodynamics, and quantum statistical mechanics), economics (game theory), computing (Von Neumann architecture, linear programming, self-replicating machines, stochastic computing), and statistics.

John von Neumann 'a benzer kişiler Bilim
