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Kento Yamada MBTI性格类型


"Kento Yamada是什么人格? Kento Yamada是MBTI中的ESFP人格类型,九型中的7w8 - sx/so - 378,五大类型中的SLUAN,Socionics中IEE类型。"

Poor dudes Se overrides Ni so much that he can't get any girls :( He is completely opportunistic, and will see any situation or anything as a way to benefit himself getting a girlfriend, despite his shortcomings. Definitely a 7w8, since one of his core fears are being dissatisfied and missing out on the "ideal high school life." He devises plans that no one goes along with or knows of, and aggressively pursues it without thinking (Wing 8 + inferior Ni).


类似Kento Yamada的动漫角色
