1. 名人和角色
  2. 游戏
  3. Hollow Knight

Zote the Mighty MBTI性格类型

Zote the Mighty MBTI性格类型 image


"Zote the Mighty是什么人格? Zote the Mighty是MBTI中的ESTP人格类型,九型中的8w7 - so/sx - 387,五大类型中的SLUEN,Socionics中SLE类型。"

Zote claims that his promise was gaining glory to himself but if you dream nail him during the ''battle'' in the colliseum he seems to fight to gain some sort of recognition from his father. that's sad as hell. I love zote. his 50+ rules are totally Se induced. He doesnt like to overanalyze anything not to look into the past. ESFP is possible but i cant see Ne

