Narumi Momose MBTI性格类型


"Narumi Momose是什么人格? Narumi Momose是MBTI中的ENFP人格类型,九型中的2w3 - so/sx - 279,五大类型中的SLUAI,Socionics中ESE类型。"

What stands out the most about Narumi is that she is very social and can get along with many people with different interests. She is very conscientious that most "normal people" in society think of otakus as nerdy or weird. She is very people-focused, extroverted, and agreeable. Definitely has a feeling function in her top two slots. In my experience ENFPs tend to be more proudly weird, and unafraid to stand out for their unusual interests because ENFPs' Ne is their dominant function. However, perhaps this is a culture-specific thing since anime and manga are more mainstream than they used to be. But why type 2? Yeah Narumi is nice, but that doesn't necessarily make her a Helper. Type 2 is part of the heart triad, which are all motivated by fulfilling their sense of self-worth. 2s feel pride and meaning from being able to support others. Narumi is a lot more self-centered (not in a bad way), she is usually thinking of how to have fun. She is motivated by what she finds interesting and bonding with people who also enjoy the same things. This is more type 7 pleasure-seeking behavior to me.


The heroine, whose plan to hide her otaku interests from her new officemates backfired quickly when her childhood friend Hirotaka outs her. They later start dating. She is a fujoshi who also likes otome games and idols, and she writes and draws doujinshi both as a hobby and to make cash on the side at Comiket.

类似Narumi Momose的动漫角色
