1. 名人和角色
  2. 游戏
  3. Witch’s Heart

Wilardo Adler MBTI性格类型


"Wilardo Adler是什么人格? Wilardo Adler是MBTI中的ISTP人格类型,九型中的9w8 - sp/sx - 954,五大类型中的RCUEN,Socionics中SLI类型。"

I just noticed smth, why on esrth is this man typed inquisitive 😭😭 He is completely grounded and aloof from his emotions and his inner world (which are traits of inquisitveness). The criteria of inquisitiveness are basically imagination, liberalism, intellectualism, artistic interest, adventurousness and emotionality, wilardo scores really low in imagination, artistic interest, emotionality and adventurousness (notice that adventurousness here isn’t searching for dangerous experiences and actually seeking new and unknown experiences, which isn’t like wilardo, he clearly likes to follow a fixed way of living), which already makes him a N


"Wilardo Adler. That's all." Wilardo Adler (ウィラルド・アードラー; Romaji: Wirarudo Ādorā), is a playable character in Witch's Heart. He is stoic and expressionless towards everyone through most of the story.
