1. 名人和角色
  2. 电影
  3. RoboCop

Clarence J. Boddicker MBTI性格类型

Clarence J. Boddicker MBTI性格类型 image


"Clarence J. Boddicker是什么人格? Clarence J. Boddicker是MBTI中的ESTP人格类型,九型中的8w7 - sx/so - 835,五大类型中的,Socionics中SLE类型。"


Clarence J. Boddicker was a crime boss and leader of a gang who brutally murdered Officer Alex Murphy, who was rebuilt as RoboCop. Clarence is advantageous of the future corrupt police force in Detroit, Michigan to the point becomes a shameless cop-killer and a sadistic criminal, where he went on a bloody citywide rampage where he robbed banks and caused misery for anyone that got in his way. Boddicker was also a hired employee-turned-personal hitman of the corrupt businessman Dick Jones, who owns the police force. He is also a vituperative and traitorous man with a snide voice and particular hatred for the police, and has assembled a rough band of equally psychotic thugs like his enforcer Emil Antonowsky along with fellow gang members Joe Cox, Leon Nash, Steve Minh, Dougy, Bobby to do his bidding for the corrupt and powerful people whom he associates with; which also makes him a ruthless crime lord as well.
