1. 名人和角色
  2. 游戏
  3. Persona 4

Yosuke Hanamura MBTI性格类型

Yosuke Hanamura MBTI性格类型 image


"Yosuke Hanamura是什么人格? Yosuke Hanamura是MBTI中的ENFP人格类型,九型中的7w6 - so/sx - 729,五大类型中的SLUAI,Socionics中IEE类型。"

OK when I first started Persona 4 I really saw traces of Fe in Yosuke bc of how much he considered others’ feelings and how kind he was to Yu. But quickly I saw how he's the embodiment of an ENFP...his shadow outright tells him “you've gotta be surrounded by people to block out the pain of isolation” which is a classic enneagram 7 and Ne dom move. He fears being bored which was his initial reason for playing detective. Ofc he would deny his shadow anyway, but I feel like the moment where he tried to hide his selfish tendencies showed how much of a social 7 he is. “In trying to prove their goodness, they typically give others more, and take less for themselves, as a way of going against their gluttonous desire for more.” Since social 7 is the countertype of a 7, they actively try to avoid their selfish and exploitative desires, which is why Yosuke attempted to mask that he cared more about getting fame than actually helping Saki. Eventually, he becomes much more true to himself and we see that he genuinely wants to avenge the people that were killed. And his Ne is literally through the roof...the way he's able to think of the widest range of possibilities of who the murderer could be and what their next step should be is extreme Ne. His auxiliary Fi is shown in just how idealistic he is. Idk I think he has one of the most obvious types in this game lol. Also this stuck out to me: “You put on a good show of being carefree and happy-go-lucky ‘cause you're so terrified of being alone” bc 7s use pleasure and new experiences to push out negative emotions that'll hurt or overwhelm them. Which is why Yosuke uses the murders to distract himself frm his boring life in Inaba. Unsure how ppl could possibly see him as an ENTP or something because he obviously values his own subjective morals over whats objectively true. Fi-Te>>Ti-Fe

