1. 名人和角色
  2. 游戏
  3. Silent Hill

Angela Orosco MBTI性格类型

Angela Orosco MBTI性格类型 image


"Angela Orosco是什么人格? Angela Orosco是MBTI中的INFP人格类型,九型中的4w5 - so/sx - 469,五大类型中的RLUEI,Socionics中IEI类型。"

It's hard to place her personality since she's in a very unhealthy place mentally and she has characteristics of CPTSD, depression, BDD and social anxiety. (I could also see an AVPD diagnosis but I am not a psychologist.) She seems to have a thing about punishment and "getting what we deserve" which seem Fi/Te like. I can't see her on a Fe/Ti axis. When James tells her to relax after fighting Abstract Daddy, she takes it as an order and becomes defensive. She has a specific thing about people controlling her. I'm unsure if she's on an Ne/Si or Se/Ni axis, though she describes James as being "just the same as her". James' is an unhealthy INFP so she could also be the same. I'm unsure of her enneagram as well, but I'm leaning towards 4w5 instead of 6w5, though I think she has a type 6 in her tritype. Her unhealthy levels match both 4, 6 and 9. I personally see a mixture of 4, 6 and 9. 4w5-6w5-9w8?


A young woman James meet on the graveyard just outside of Silent Hill during his walk to the town. She's mentally disturbed and has suicidal tendencies for reasons unknown to James and the player at first.
