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  3. The Goldfinch

Pippa Blackwell MBTI性格类型

Pippa Blackwell MBTI性格类型 image


"Pippa Blackwell是什么人格? Pippa Blackwell是MBTI中的INFP人格类型,九型中的4w5 - so/sx - 479,五大类型中的RLUAI,Socionics中EII类型。"

At first I wanted to type her as an INFJ, but I think that may be me reading her trauma response: she clearly shows extroverted intuition and introverted feeling throughout the book as I have to go with INFP. Like when she stops Theodore before he can confess his feeling to her: she recognizes that he probably doesn't TRUELY love her in a romantic way but rather acknowledges their shared traumatic experiences and quality time spent together as they grow up *with a distance ofc, which adds to Theo's fantasized version of Pippa, seeing her as a safe place* Pippa leaves Hobbie to run the shop by himself and goes to Europe with her bf in order to escape the memories of her hard-childhood in New York, I don't think this is something an INFJ would do? her actions are often selfish (for lack of a better word sry Pippa kins), she speaks her mind but not in an assertive manner and she has strong emotions which she tries to bottle up-but are often let loose. She's such a sweetheart though, I love her and I'm so down to hear INFJ type reasonings? She's a very interesting character to me:)


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