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Levent alkanlı MBTI性格类型


"Levent alkanlı是什么人格? Levent alkanlı是MBTI中的ESTJ人格类型,九型中的1w9 - so/sp - 163,五大类型中的RCOAN,Socionics中LII类型。"

His way of thinking is very systematic, he doesn't accept any facts other than scientific ones. Even his treatment of his patients and his understanding of their emotions are entirely based on articles and textbooks. The thing he cares about most in life is his patients. But actually it's his job, not them. His approach to his patients may be very superficial, but he is professional. He's successful maybe but he doesn't approach to their heart. This was the reason why the girl who was harassed by her father told her problem to Cüneyd not to Levent, as Cüneyd stated. That's why I don't see Fe, it has nothing to do with INFJ. We look at his family life, as a father, in practice, he does everything right. There are always responsibilities that need to be done. But something is always missing... Because it's missing in terms of emotions. Based on all this, I think his dominant function is Te. Te is all about effectiveness and getting things done. Actually it is the TeSi’s primary decision-making process, which means that if a decision is needed in the moment, they will rely on what makes the most sense logically. They are primarily concerned with moving forward and are not interested in wasting time and energy nitpicking a solution to death before applying it. They make the best decision they can given the probabilities they're presented with.  When he heard that Zeynep was getting married, the first thing that came to his mind was to call the police. He didn't think that what he did would make things worse. His solution to the problems does not go beyond 'what needs to be done'. I don't see any Ni in him. Si function makes people learn straightforward, practical systems, rules, and strategies. Although his belief that religious people generally seem to adhere to these systematic rules, Levent himself exactly like that. Even being raised in open minded enviroment, he has a strict adherence to scientific facts So i think he's an ESTJ

