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Andrey Stamatin MBTI性格类型

Andrey Stamatin MBTI性格类型 image


"Andrey Stamatin是什么人格? Andrey Stamatin是MBTI中的ESTP人格类型,九型中的8w7 - sx/sp - 874,五大类型中的,Socionics中SLE类型。"

i really appreciate how much of a mirror image he is to his brother - how much of a catalyst type of person he is. he builds the polyhedron upwards denoting instability but intimidation. farkhad (and i headcanon peter as well) prefers building low to the ground and wide. he’s my favorite character. extremely interesting to look at along with his twin.


An architect by trade, but a Renaissance man by nature; an impetuous and amoral adventurer. Based on Benvenuto Cellini. A believer in neither God nor the devil, he likes taking everything life has to offer. Capable of murder. A tender guardian and protector to his twin brother, Peter. — From the game's design documents Andrey Stamatin is an architect from the Capital and the owner of the Broken Heart pub. He is the elder twin brother of Peter Stamatin. He is a genius with a mind very few in the world possess. He lets nothing stand in his way and takes pleasure in breaking the known rules and Laws.
