1. 名人和角色
  2. 动漫
  3. QuanZhi GaoShou

Zhou Zekai MBTI性格类型


"Zhou Zekai是什么人格? Zhou Zekai是MBTI中的ISFP人格类型,九型中的9w1 - - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"

Zhou is such a Fi-user that it even hurts. As the core of the team, he has a distinctive style. In the novel, it was explicitly stated that initially he did not have the opportunity to fulfil his potential because of his socialisation problems. He was an individualist who didn't know how to socialise. Samsara only became champions in season 8 when the team bought Jiang Botao, and he acted as a liaison between the captain and the team. Zekai relies on Fi in every match, and Samsara makes him their centre. If he used Ti, he would become one of the 4 master tacticians. He's also very focused on his emotions: during the interview (which turned into a nightmare for the reporter from the start) he definitely didn't answer logically. It was something like: What would you advise? Try harder. Why did you win? Everyone did a good job. Why do you answer like that? I don't want to say. If this is not the behaviour of an extremely awkward sensitive ISFP, then what is?


类似Zhou Zekai的动漫角色
