Don Atticus MBTI性格类型


"Don Atticus是什么人格? Don Atticus是MBTI中的INFP人格类型,九型中的4w5 - so/sp - 451,五大类型中的RCOEI,Socionics中IEI类型。"

I just can't understand PDB users. Is a complete sucker for fashions and aesthetics, has an inherent respect for people that he helped before, joined Team Star because he felt bad people were bullying him because of his quirks, created sick outfits for the entire team of bosses views things out of the scope once he loses to the player and starts to actually see how many harm he was causing. Atticus' entire character is centered around how unique he is and how much he feels like an outcast because of that. Fi=Praises authenticity and what feels true to one's self. A healthy Fi user embraces who they really are and really dive into that, looking extremely unique, especially if they have enneagram 4. "Oh, he has depth to the way he thinks, so he has Ti" 🤨?


One of the five bosses of Team Star and leader of the Navy Squad, which specializes in Poison Types. Atticus is a quiet and secretive guy with a love for art. He talks in an eccentric and articulated way and was responsible for designing the team's outfits.

类似Don Atticus的游戏角色
