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Heimerdinger MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Heimerdinger? Heimerdinger is an INTP personality type in MBTI, 6w5 - so/sp - 612 in Enneagram, RCOAI in Big 5, LII in Socionics.

ISTJ vote came from a very superficial comprehension of the function as well as the character. Heimerdinger's fear came from Ti not Si. He does not fear the blue stones power because it will break traditions but because the object break the essence of his idea of science, it's a Ti fear of a corruption of the object by the deviation from it's concept/function. Thomas d'Aquinas view of morality is very comparable . He is also way to flexible comparing to the average ISTJ, he want to avoid Jayce to be hardly punished and quickly adapt to the new scientific change made by Viktor and Jayce once the experience is done. his Ne is too high. His Si seem higher than it is because he his in opposition with the inf Si ENTP Jayce.

