ES(F) MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is ES(F)? ES(F) is an ESFP personality type in MBTI, 8w7 - sx/so - 827 in Enneagram, SLUEN in Big 5, SEE in Socionics.

ES(F) by J.H. Van Der Hoop Feeling may also exert some influence within the limits set by the type. In this case the sensual aspect of feeling is reinforced by instinctual activity, while the result of extraversion is a dependence on sensation. As a result, feeling is to a high degree controlled by the external appearance of the object, and demands expression in tangible form. Concrete facts, such as the presence and possession of the object, play a large part here. Anyone who is absent for a long time will, for example, find it difficult to arouse strong feelings in a representative of this type. Their feelings embrace the sphere of their lives as a whole. An instinctive person will love his wife, for example, not because of his person's contact with her, but primarily because she is his wife, and the mother of his children. Similar feelings are also aroused in him by the house which he has known from childhood, and by the objects which it contains, by the people of his home town and by his native soil. In their love relationships, sex plays a large part with these people; in fact, any feeling can with them attain satisfactory development, only if it can be expressed in the ordinary affairs of daily life. Types in Psychopathy In other cases, feeling may be related in its simpler forms to instinctual needs, and when this is so, there is usually little development in the function of thought. Thus in this group we get stupid, intensely impulsive natures, given to violent outbreaks of emotion.


The addition of feeling to extroverted sensation produces a strong inclination toward the beautiful. That is why this combination is particularly common in art historians or art lovers who are described as acstheticists. In accordance with their extroversion, their point of view remains collective, which is why they can easily adapt to prevailing fashion when it comes to defining beauty. They have no trouble whatsoever in managing to remain "modem." Source: "Personality" by Carl Alfred Meier
