IF(N) MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is IF(N)? IF(N) is an INFP personality type in MBTI, 4w5 - sp/so - 469 in Enneagram, RLOAI in Big 5, EII in Socionics.

Note: IF(N) is actually Introverted Feeling (Intuition) Which is a classic jungian that fits the rational function type. Introverted Feeling = Fi The rest of the rational types are Te ET(X) , Fe EF(X) , Ti IT(X) On the other hand, the irrational types are Ne EN(X), Se ES(X), Si IS(X) and Ni IN(X) The combination : FiNe = INFP IF(EN) FiNi = ISFP IF(IN) FiSe = ISFP IF(ES) FiSi = INFP IF(IS) —— TiNe = INTP IT(EN) TiNi = ISTP IT(IN) TiSe = ISTP IT(ES) TiSi = INTP IT(IS) —— TeSe = ENTJ ET(ES) TeSi = ESTJ ET(IS) TeNe = ESTJ ET(EN) TeNi = ENTJ ET(IN) —— FeNe = ESFJ EF(EN) FeNi = ENFJ EF(IN) FeSe = ENFJ EF(ES) FeSi = ESFJ EF(IS) —— NeFi = ENFP EN(IF) NeFe = ENTP EN(EF) NeTi = ENTP EN(IT) NeTe = ENFP EN(ET) —— SeFi = ESFP ES(IF) SeFe = ESTP ES(EF) SeTi = ESTP ES(IT) SeTe = ESFP ES(ET) —— NiFi = INTJ IN(IF) NiFe = INFJ IN(EF) NiTi = INFJ IN(IT) NiTe = INTJ IN(ET) —— SiFi = ISTJ IS(IF) SiFe = ISFJ IS(EF) SiTi = ISFJ IS(IT) SiTe = ISTJ IS(ET) Please rethink before type in the comments.


These people have a tendency toward self-development according to the criteria of their inner experience. Here too we come across religious people, who feel the need to put their inner experiences into practice in their personal lives. This is why many mystics are found here. The general one of early Christianity, with its emphasis on agape is undoubtedly rooted in this type. Among the poets it is the lyric poets who are most strongly represented. One who springs to mind is Robert Browning (1812-1889), with his love of mankind, and another is Holderlin. at least as long as he remained in good health. Source: "Personality" by Carl Alfred Meier
