ES(T) MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is ES(T)? ES(T) is an ESTP personality type in MBTI, 8w7 - sp/so - 837 in Enneagram, SCUEN in Big 5, SLE in Socionics.

(Source credits by EmergentMind) ES(T) (1/3) Excitability and pedantism to some extent, contradicts himself. Great self-possession and control, often either one trait dominates or another. Neatness, in childhood - provokes, becomes enraged. Shaking or tremors in body. At times obsessive ideas. As the personality matures, his psyche becomes more balanced. Impulsiveness in reactions, self-control at work and at home, likes to control and have things. In society may seem a little slow: afraid to say something out of place. Leaves the house, loses self-control, acts recklessly; he does not fight with rationalization, rather, mythomania and insults. He treats everything as some kind of game, “haha checkmate I win!”. He is aware of the logical structures of efficiency and decisions. They avoid complexity and dislike big discussions about topics they find too imaginative, “idealistic”. He likes investments and money, he worries about his shape, his texture, his physicality. Always active, always doing something. They don't dwell in the clouds and don't dream lying on a sofa about things that could have been if … These are people of realistic, concrete actions. They can be characterized as ambitious and purposeful people. These are born leaders and administrators capable of taking responsibility for making decisions on important matters. They appreciate logic and supporting argumentation. His activity levels often depend on his own state or mood. Despite this, if you turn to a representative of this type for help in a critical situation, he won't idly sit about and talk, or give you free advice, but instead he will try help you through concrete deeds. Inability to see future consequences of their harsh words and actions. Problems fall on him out of nowhere and all of a sudden, and grow like an avalanche. Not always capable of understanding the nuances of people's relations and is incapable of perceiving their inner core. He often does not know how people relate to him, what people think of him. He is actually blind to people’s attitudes towards himself. He pushes through against other people's opinions and weaknesses, dislikes sadness and frustration, intolerant of inexistence. They are constantly accompanied by a restless activity, workaholism. Barbarous sadist, lacks complete empathy. He constantly categorizes people: “Weak”,“Strong”, “Smart”, “Efficient” etc. He may live with a philosophy, a sense of justice and order. He protects his friends, tries to be likeable. Treats subordinates well and puts enemies into great pain, he likes humiliation and devotion. Able to inspire people, but not very conscious of this.


In this type, thinking always remains unconscious to a certain extent, but is nevertheless capable of great achievements. Cooperation with the main function is made easier because of thinking’s similar attitude (extroversion). So when an extroverted empiricist possesses a relatively well-differentiated thinking function, the outcome is. for example, an empiricism with systematic reasoning, a way of thinking that is orderly and methodical. We can see that this constellation of the functions is bound to produce experts who are not aware of the general significance of their discoveries. As their position in relation to extroversion is a collective one, if they are creative they will not have their own points of view, but will see newly discovered facts only within the framework of the old ones. Source: "Personality" by Carl Alfred Meier
