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Svetlana Yevgenivna MBTI Personality Type

Svetlana Yevgenivna MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Svetlana Yevgenivna? Svetlana Yevgenivna is an ENTJ personality type in MBTI, 8w9 - sp/sx - 835 in Enneagram, SCOEI in Big 5, LIE in Socionics.

I think Svetlana being a sex worker has heavily influenced how she’s being perceived typology wise. She obviously not an 8w7, she’s an 8w9. And she’s not sx 8, she’s an sp 8, with auxiliary sx. She’s also not an LIE, she’s an SLE-Ti. Svetlana has demonstrated a calmness and reserve as well as a lack of impulsivity unlike an 8w7. She may enjoy pleasurable things sure, but she doesn’t initiate aggression, is not expansive, and is highly down to earth, grounded, and domestic. Here’s a description of 8w9 according to enneagrammer.com: 8 WING 9 8 grand self from a place of 9 reserve and calm more simple and no-nonsense, don't say as much as 8w7, less mental energy strength from a place of calm rather than 8w7 rapid-fire release want to make things solid and structured, self-fortified more likely to "endure" and then attack rather than throw the first punch, they'll steadily bring you down with the force of the earth, double gut definitely sounds like svetlana. ══╩══╩═ Svetlana is definitely an sp 8, focused on her safety, stability, all about self-sufficiency, and disconnection from emotions and genuine close relations. Her relationship with Mickey, and subsequent relationships with V and Kev were all for the sake of stability. Even if she grew some feelings for them eventually, the purpose behind them were purely for her survival. Otherwise she is independent, resourceful, and highly practical. Sx 8s are the most emotional and reactive 8s. Opposite of Svetlanas calm, cool headed nature. Svetlana is not an LIE. Yes she is highly objective and focuses on expediency, however, this is due to her MBTI Te, not her socionics. Svetlana during her talk with Debbie demonstrates Creative Ti, as she’s formulated logical theories on how Socio Se (power, authority, force, and position) can be gained. Svetlana lies. And i’m not saying LIE’s can’t be liars, but Svetlana bends objective truth to fit her agenda. This much is true. Te in a demonstrative position is explained as such: "The individual is adept at recognizing which aspects of an information, statement, or action are factually accurate in the sense of checking them against available external sources of information, but he tends to see this as lesser importance in comparison to their internal logical consistency when pursuing a concept fed by Ne or Se. To focus on the facts, also when giving out information, is seen as rather pointless when there is an Ne idea to be explored or a Se power to be gained." Fits Svetlana well.


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