Kaolan Wongsawat MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Kaolan Wongsawat? Kaolan Wongsawat is an ISFJ personality type in MBTI, 9w1 - sp/so - 963 in Enneagram, in Big 5, in Socionics.

His Fe parent is very subdued if we judge him visually, it's there but it's more "specialized"? He uses Fe-Ti to size people up- If I can say that. I think it's also because of the nature of his job, social standing and promised servitude to his country. He's still very keen on being aware of other people- and the group values, especially reading his opponents and even feeling deep (non-sarcastic) sympathy for them while fighting (which was amazing to watch in the anime). He's more of a Ti-subtype ISFJ, analytical and extremely cautious. He's low in neuroticism too and seems like he's not as fearful about his inf. Ne, on the contrary he likes to see the Ne in other fighters but tries not to show that he's studying it for his Si-Ti internal data gathering. His Fe is so mature, he needs to respond to people "properly" even if they are opponents. He looks very calm because (if I can be a nerd about it because I studied sports biology for two semesters to understand muscle to brain relations) Si athletes have this ability to conserve energy and specialize in certain attacks/movements that they've intuitively (adj.) discovered to strain their bodies less but still deliver the best possible outcome for the sport they participate here. They're better in maintaining routines that benefit the condition of their bodies longer as well. The beauty of Gaolang's Si is how much he's specialized in jabs that he became one of the fastest known jabbers in the boxing world, being able to throw 13 jabs in one inhale (which took a lot of Si-Ti calibration training) and still not losing the strength and intensity of each hit because of how attuned his body is to it. (His battle theme "Karma" is one of the sickest OSTs in the anime, I suggest you guys listen to it.)


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