Zeke MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Zeke? Zeke is an ESTP personality type in MBTI, 7w8 - so/sp - 782 in Enneagram, SLUAN in Big 5, in Socionics.

While I voted Zeke as an ESTP, I can also see him as an ESFP. I'm very biased in wanting to him be an ESTP though so my judgment is compromised. It's just really close because there's a lot of ESFP and ESTP in him as a character. (I'm biased toward ESTP though for stupid shipping reasons. I ship him with Tina and I don't want to lose an INFPxESTP ship because there are not that many to choose from. It's not a great reason but it's a reason.) https://imgur.com/a/wcUKKxV I found these bingo charts on Tumblr and it might help nail down which Zeke uses more. If you show me your results, I'll try to look past my bias and change or let stay whatever is filled in the most. After all, being accurate to a character is more important than trying to fit a MBTI ship dynamic you want the character to have with another character.

