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  2. Cartoons
  3. Bob's Burgers (2011)

Bob Belcher MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Bob Belcher? Bob Belcher is an ISTP personality type in MBTI, 9w8 - sp/so - 963 in Enneagram, RCOEN in Big 5, SLI in Socionics.

I think the Christmas episode showed us how different he was from his dad, an ISTJ. They have similar outwards appearance since their both ISTX, but their actions differ. His dad wanted to keep the menu the same, consistent, as expected. While Bob wanted to try some innovation and hated his job because the lack of it. Episodes later when Bob's kids wanted to try out their own Burger of the Day he was the most excited he's ever been. If fact, the whole Burger of the Day concept kind of shows how he's fulfilling is Ti-Se need.


The owner of Bob's Burgers, the husband of Linda, and father of Tina, Gene, and Louise. Bob is the resident Only Sane Man of the Belcher household (and arguably the rest of the town), and is constantly roped into the crazy situations wrought by his family. Regardless, his family remains one of the most important things in his life (alongside cooking burgers and coming up with punny names for specials), and he'll go to hell and back to support them. While he's often just an unwilling participant in the Belchers' chaos, he's just as prone to causing such chaos himself.

Cartoons Characters Similar to Bob Belcher
