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Shido Itsuka MBTI Personality Type

Shido Itsuka MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Shido Itsuka? Shido Itsuka is an ISFJ personality type in MBTI, 9w1 - sp/sx - 926 in Enneagram, RCOAI in Big 5, EII in Socionics.

INFJ is ISFJ mistype. literally cares about everyday things isn’t abstract of course he is a harem protagonist so it supposed to be relatable to watchers. acts like a submissive abused dog fulfills duties cares about loyalty and trust?? stereotypical. cant make argument cus character sucks and is as awkward as Psyduck.


The Date A Live light novel and anime series features a diverse cast of characters created by Kōshi Tachibana and designed by Tsunako.五河 士道 (Itsuka Shidō)Voiced by: Nobunaga Shimazaki, Saeko Zōgō (Shiori) (Japanese); Josh Grelle, Ryan Elizabeth Reynolds (Shiori) (English)The protagonist of Date A Live. Shido is a kind-hearted and sympathetic young man who possesses a strange power that allows him to seal the powers of a Spirit in his body with a kiss; however, the seal will only work if the Spirit holds enough trust or affection toward him to allow it.
