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Tohka Yatogami MBTI Personality Type

Tohka Yatogami MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Tohka Yatogami? Tohka Yatogami is an ESFP personality type in MBTI, 7w8 - so/sx - 728 in Enneagram, SLUAI in Big 5, SEE in Socionics.

NO. She is not an ENFP. She looks like one but she’s really an ESFP. ESFP’s literally have the same interaction Style as ENFP’s. ESFPs and ENFPs seek involvement of themselves and others and tend to have the natural facilitative attitude of the ‘Get sh*t going’ style. Both tend to use informing language, but ESFPs will have a little more of a drive to immediate tangible action. ENFPs are more willing to talk about things for a while when talking is moving things along. Both want an upbeat mood and love to make others happy. ENFP’s dominant is Ne so, they’ll be more prone to interpreting meanings. Unlike the ENFP, ESFPs lead with Se. Se-Experiencing and noticing little changes. They both “read” the room but their key differences are: ESFP’s notice physical/external clues to people’s feelings by picking up actual energy. ENFPs may not even notice the physical cues and energy, but will just "know" the meaning of what is or has been going on. Both types will describe the experience as getting a feeling of what is going on. You have to look a little deeper to identify which process is being engaged. However, for this character, no. It’s pretty obvious at this point. It makes 100% logical sense that those of ESFP’s identified with many ENFP descriptors. It’s pretty clear that she has Inferior Ni. I mean like, come on lol. When Shido finally got the chance to talk to her, Tohka’s powers were sealed by Shido, so she could finally develop and express feelings, as well as experience life on Earth. Due to the fact that Tohka is new to everything (including her emotions), she has a very cheerful and child-like personality that can make her seem naive, emotional, energetic, and gullible at times. No one wrote anything so I decided to lol. Shido and Tohka’s pages are WRONG. I WROTE MORE CHECK MORE POST REPLY!


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