Raphtalia MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Raphtalia? Raphtalia is an ISFJ personality type in MBTI, 6w5 - sx/sp - 621 in Enneagram, SLOAN in Big 5, EII in Socionics.

Raphtalia is an example of a social six, someone who defers their own sense of autonomy and decision-making to an authority figure - in this case, obviously Naofumi. I found her to be almost a caricature of this type, as she literally re-enslaves herself to "show her loyalty". A sexual six would be Naofumi himself, someone who seeks security from those trying to swindle or take advantage of him and his loved ones through building strength and directly confronting threats ahead of time. For Raphtalia, the same fear is present but the strategy is different. She will ask Naofumi what to do when she senses danger, and looks for his approval. She views her own needs as a burden to him, typical of SO6, so she often doesn't express her more selfish desires. In the end, for her everything has to be made clear, uncertainty is more terrifying than a terrible plan. EII is an understandable typing, but ESIs don't necessarily have to be screaming Se all the time. We see that she is willing to fight and challenge others that offend her when given the opportunity. She is more assertive and bold about her ethics than an EII. Take, for example, S1E22 where she rises to the provocation of a man insulting Naofumi and her party with racist terms and loaded rhetoric. Her first impulse is to ignore, indeed, but soon enough she meets his pressure and quickly starts a fight. We see that she often applies force against those that offend, this is consistent with ESI.


Raphtalia (ラフタリア, Rafutaria) is the main heroine of The Rising of the Shield Hero series. She is the first real companion of the Shield Hero. She is the Katana Hero.

Anime & Manga Characters Similar to Raphtalia
