Ren Amaki MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Ren Amaki? Ren Amaki is an ISTP personality type in MBTI, 6w5 - sp/sx - 638 in Enneagram, RCOEN in Big 5, LSI in Socionics.

Why exactly SP6? I don't think he fits this subtype. "Self-Preservation Sixes have a fear related to survival-a fear of not being protected that fuels a driving need for protection through friendship and other kinds of alliances with others. This is the most phobic of the three Six subtypes; this is the Six subtype who feels fear the most. Perceiving the world as dangerous, Self-Preservation Sixes seek friendly connections and alliances, and to do this they endeavor to be friendly, trustworthy, and supportive-as good allies are supposed to be. As Naranjo clarifies, "not trusting themselves enough, they feel alone and incapable without outside support. Self-Preservation Sixes fear anger, aggression, provocation, and confrontation. Being afraid of other people's aggression means they can't let their own aggression out. As Naranjo explains in describing this Six, making people like you means being good, and being good means not being angry. Naranjo asserts that "the taboo on aggression that results from the needs of dependency weakens this Six in the face of others' aggression and contributes to their insecurity and their need for external support." SO6 fits him better. "This subtype focuses on an attachment to a duty or a set of obligations, work, and responsibility. They are brave persons who are always eager to prove their worth and ability in a certain area of skill, work, activity. They are either diligent and active or imaginative and proactive. The SO6 tends to hold a fanaticism about specific topics, usually associated with their duty. They are the kind of people that save multiple notes and amounts of knowledge. They are usually great analytical and observant workers. Immersed into observations and planning of what things will be. Overthinking. Fascination and idealization, delusional attachment (differs from the SO5’s interest in the sense of directions, but may have the same magnitude). Devotion to a model, ideal, or responsibility. Emulates many traits of authorities. They tend to keep themselves in their own mind, in a logical orientation, to formulate formulas and ideas. Very religious and “heroic”. The essence here is to have a duty but not necessarily act according to it, just idealize and put it as meaning and purpose within life." "This subtype copes with fear by finding a good authority. They think the way to be safe is to follow the rules of their chosen authority, whether a person, a system, or an ideology. They tend to be dutiful, legalistic, intellectual, responsible, and efficient, and they rely on following guidelines or reference points to feel secure. For them, uncertainty and ambiguity equal anxiety. They display a mixture of “phobic” (fearful) and “counterphobic” (confronting fear with strength) behaviors. They see the world in terms of black and white, rather than gray."



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