Malty S Melromarc MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Malty S Melromarc? Malty S Melromarc is an ENFJ personality type in MBTI, 3w2 - sx/so - 386 in Enneagram, SLOEN in Big 5, SEE in Socionics.

She is a Social 2. Her unwillingness to accept reality even as it is proven directly to her, and her general haughty and elitist behavior says it all. Unlike 3s, who need some kind of criteria to back their belief in themselves, Myne believes she is god's gift to earth simply because that's all she's ever known. Even as she loses to Naofumi while cheating and twisting the rules, she simply cannot admit her fault. There is no internal conflict about her worth and subsequent self-deception either. While she may be genuinely intelligent and skilled, she believes she should get the throne for no reason besides "I deserve it". This should also point her to be a clear EIE. Her treacherous, scheming ways are a good indicator of strong valued Ni, she waits until she has a plan before executing it. Not to mention her generally aristocratic disposition. Fe base should be self-explanatory. And yeah, she was too hot to get beheaded.



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