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John Carpenter MBTI Personality Type

John Carpenter MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is John Carpenter? John Carpenter is an ISTP personality type in MBTI, 5w4 - sp/sx - 548 in Enneagram, RCUEI in Big 5, ILI in Socionics.

At first, I thought he was a 5, but that was purely from watching his movies and not knowing much about him. After seeing many, many interviews, I actually think John Carpenter is a 6; watch any interview with him, and his fears (“uncertainty” as he himself puts it), his personal extreme distrust of authority, which he has also said directly is connected to his own worldview (which also finds its way into every movie he does, think Escape From New York and They Live), and the running themes of anxiety, catastrophizing (end of the world scenarios, being lied to by the government or being betrayed by them, as well as Michael’s otherworldly threat), distrust, suspicion, and paranoia, not to mention that he’s stated that his idea of horror isn’t “I’m the monster, the psychological terror is worst”, but rather “they’re coming to get you, they’re coming to get ME, how do I handle this uncertainty of WHAT’S out THERE and what it will do to me here in my safe place?” aaaaaall scream 6. He’s an absolutely brilliant filmmaker, and his 5 wing is very strong, but he’s also admitted his soundtracks aren’t intellectual or well-studied, but rather “fast and cheap and simple.” I think his motivation isn’t so much competency, but rather “if I don’t do it, then I leave the work to someone else and I can’t handle the anxiety of what they might do, so let me just do it myself and ease my worry.” Just my thoughts, as I think his conversations might be the most 6 things I’ve heard, plus I think the stereotype of intelligence (only to 5s) and artistry (only to 4s) gets a bit tiresome, since all types can be great, influential artists. He also seems a bit prematurely combative in younger interviews, probably because of his distrust, which is more 6 stuff, but I’ll end it there. Thanks for reading!!


John Howard Carpenter (born January 16, 1948 in Carthage, New York) is an American director, screenwriter, and musician, known primarily for his work in the horror and science fiction genres. His career is speckled with films considered genre classics, as well as a number of movies that initially performed poorly at the box office, but went on to be vindicated by cable. His films are characterized by their minimalist lighting and photography, static cameras, use of steadicam, and distinctive synthesized music scores (usually self-composed). Many of today's best directors state that they were heavily influenced by Carpenter's style and filmography. He's widely regarded by interviewers, fans, and coworkers as one of the chillest old dudes in Hollywood. Although he's been in a state of semi-retirement since 2010, when asked if he would ever direct again, he said that he might, but first he'd have to stop spending all his time watching basketball and playing video games.
