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  2. Movies
  3. Rio (2011)

Túlio Monteiro MBTI Personality Type

Túlio Monteiro MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Túlio Monteiro? Túlio Monteiro is an ENTP personality type in MBTI, 5w6 - so/sp - 529 in Enneagram, SLUAI in Big 5, ILE in Socionics.

I loved him as a kid- his Ti is pretty obvious


Tulio Monteiro is a character in Rio and Rio 2 . Brazilian ornithologist (scientist who studies birds), he goes to the United States to meet Linda and Blu (the supposed last male Spix's Macaw), on a mission to save the species. Tulio takes the two of them to Brazil and ends up liking Linda, ending up still married to her, and adopting the boy Fernando . Tulio works at the Environmental Conservation Center in Rio de Janeiro, where he takes care of birds that are victims of illegal wildlife trafficking. He and Linda later open a sanctuary to care for the Macaws' family. It also helps transform a part of the Amazônia into an environmental conservation area to save birds. Tulio is funny, spontaneous, and crazy about birds.He is an ornithologist and works with animals, but in addition, he talks about birds in his spare time and imitates bird sounds to communicate.

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