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  3. Rio (2011)

Gabi MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Gabi? Gabi is an ENFP personality type in MBTI, 2w3 - sx/so - 278 in Enneagram, SLUAI in Big 5, IEE in Socionics.

still a lot of people the sx2 type, and i'm sorry, but she's nothing but sx2. if she has a 2-ish side, it would be sp2. so, i would accept that people type her "ENFP sp2" even if it seems kind of weird. let's talk about sx2 : "The Sexual Two is a seducer of particular individuals. [...] This seduction - a way of gaining allegiance or inflaming the desire of the other - occurs through the cultivation of an attractive presentation and the expression of feeling." you may say "yes, that's her", but it's not. read the rest : "The Sexual Two, feeds their pride through having somebody's passionate attachment. Where intelligence or strategic skill helps the Social Two reach the goal of seducing the group, sexuality and charm are the strongholds of the Sexual Two in seducing specific people." and if you read a little bit more : "This Two resembles the French expression of the femme fatale archetype in that there is a kind of "dangerous irresistibility" to this personality. In a similar way, the "Aggressive/Seductive" title given to this subtype suggests an association with the archetype of a vampire." i'm sorry, but she's not a femme fatale. she's just in love. if you think she's a 2, go ahead, but it would be sp2 instead of sx2.


#YandereCharacters Gabi is a secondary antagonist in Rio 2 who works alongside Nigel , as well as Carlitos , in their plan to get revenge on Blu and the Blue Macaws. Gabi is in love with Nigel and does everything to please him, even being indifferent to the Macaws and just collaborating in the plan because that's what Nigel wants. Being a poisonous frog, she cannot touch him, but accompanies the flirt where she goes ready to use her deadly gifts in her favor. Gabi is romantic and has a taste for the dark. Apparently taking well the fact that she was poisonous, feeling even powerful. In love with Nigel, however, she has recently been unable to touch him, but is still ready to use her poison in his plan. She enjoys listening to him recite Shakespeare and sings with him in Nico and Pedro 's foreplay talent show . Always very excited and excited, the fact that her love is not reciprocal doesn't seem to affect her, and until the end Gabi insists on the relationship.
