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  2. Movies
  3. Rio (2011)

Nigel MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Nigel? Nigel is an ESTJ personality type in MBTI, 3w4 - so/sp - 385 in Enneagram, SCOEN in Big 5, SLE in Socionics.

im sorry, but his name... bruh


Nigel is the main antagonist of Rio and the tritagonist/anti-hero of Rio 2 . Nigel used to be the star of a show, but he was traded for a parakeet, and because of that he became bad (according to himself). He appears first as a friend of the smugglers, but becomes more alone throughout the film and in the sequel. Sarcastic, sadistic, malicious and somewhat comical. Nigel also appears to be somewhat narcissistic, and extremely vindictive. He enjoys causing fear in others, and doesn't seem to care about anyone's feelings but his own. Rude to those at his disposal, him just behaving better with Gabi, but even she doesn't escape his cynicism.
