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Denis Villeneuve MBTI Personality Type

Denis Villeneuve MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Denis Villeneuve? Denis Villeneuve is an INFP personality type in MBTI, 5w4 - sp/so - 549 in Enneagram, RCOAI in Big 5, ILI in Socionics.

If you watch his interview with Vanity Fair you can see that he clearly uses Fi-Ne. He literally says: “i did this movie for a single audience member, which is me. I read the book 40 years ago, I deeply fell in love with it.” If that doesn’t scream Fi I don’t know what does lmao. When asked about his choices to make ‘the voice’ he says: “I love the idea that you will channel the voices of very powerful grandmothers. That says a lot about my background.” Instead of dwelling in the technical aspects he says things like “I was obsessed, I loved.” And tells us how to film tell us about HIM and his family. (Fi, Si) About the veil: “at the end of the day it just felt deeply right. Charlotte Rampling was not supposed to use the veil throughout the scene but quickly I realized that it created a very strong mystery and she looked more powerful.” He also mentions he wanted to evoque a medieval nun-esque theme for that scene. Sounds like Fi-driven Ne to me. Trying possibilities in search of what “feels right” (fi) instead of sticking to a vision (Ni)


Denis Villeneuve, (French: [dəni vilnœv]; born October 3, 1967) is a French Canadian film director and writer. He is a four-time recipient of the Canadian Screen Award (formerly Genie Award) for Best Direction, for Maelström in 2001, Polytechnique in 2009, Incendies in 2011, and Enemy in 2014. The first three of these films also won the Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television Award for Best Motion Picture.
