Luke Hobbs MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Luke Hobbs? Luke Hobbs is an ESTJ personality type in MBTI, 8w7 - so/sx - 873 in Enneagram, SCOEI in Big 5, SLE in Socionics.

Why Ni-Se over Si-Ne? He makes plans as the ideas occur to him and not a long term planner (clear Ne over Ni), remember that his initial objective in Fast Five was to arrest Dom and Brian, and only agreed to help the team deal with Reyes after the latter ambushed his squad en route to the USA. Hobbs didn't free them after Fast Five, he gave them a 24 hour head start to escape. He wasn't mad when the team ran away with the money, because he didn't care about it. However, he realized that Dom's crew were not regular street criminals since they managed to pull off that trick. He saw them as future assets, and he used their freedom as a bargaining tool. If we think about it, Dwayne Johnson only played Luke Hobbs in Fast Five. The rest of the series, he simply played The Rock.


