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  2. Television
  3. Riverdale (2017)

Veronica Lodge MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Veronica Lodge? Veronica Lodge is an ESFP personality type in MBTI, 7w8 - sx/so - 378 in Enneagram, SCOAI in Big 5, SEE in Socionics.

every time I think about the Riverdale characters I'm just left with the conclusion that they're all XXXX and use every cognitive function constantly. they're all just superhumans cause the only one with clear type is Jughead as for Veronica... I'm really confused. as for now I'm saying ESFP but this show is so weird, you could find arguments for every type for her. She has a lot of values, acts based on them and calls people out if they go against her moral code. she's pretty private about her emotions too, unless it's someone close to her. and I hate how you could see both Se and Ne lol. I'll go with Se based on her acting on impulse, sometimes missing the consequences to her actions only to regret it later, missing the big picture sometimes and her love for aesthetics, luxury and all that stuff. but I bet I could easily be convicted to Ne dom. and I know it's super unpopular as there's literally only one vote but why do we rule out enneagram type 1? I mean, she always fears that she's a bad person (or at least she was in season 1). or maybe she fears that people see her as a bad person so maybe type 3 but I don't really see 7. her whole arc in season 1 was her trying to be good to everyone because according to herself she was a terrible person once and she's always trying to fix her mistakes so she's sure she's not a bad person. I don't know at this point to be honest, you'd put her as a ISTP 5w4 and that would probably somehow make sense too. maybe we should give up with this show because what is this


Veronica Cecilia Lodge (formerly Gekko) is a main character on The CW's Riverdale. She is portrayed by Camila Mendes. Veronica was a student at Riverdale High School and member of the River Vixens. She moved from New York to her mother's hometown of Riverdale after her father's arrest and subsequent incarceration. She struggled to find the truth behind her father's loyalties and intentions as well as feared what would happen once he was released. Upon her arrival in Riverdale, Veronica sought to reform herself into a better person and befriended Betty Cooper in the process. #CamilaMendes
