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  3. Riverdale (2017)

Betty Cooper MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Betty Cooper? Betty Cooper is an ISFJ personality type in MBTI, 1w2 - so/sp - 126 in Enneagram, RLOAI in Big 5, ESI in Socionics.

No, you don’t switch mbti types. She never switched between Si or Ni, because she’s never had Ni in her function stack. I agree that Betty presents as a more "abstract" thinker than the typical ISFJs, but this is out of necessity, not necessarily her natural state of information processing. She is too meticulous, concrete, detailed, and aware of her surroundings and present compared to a high Ni user. Jung has specifically, and constantly pointed out the high Ni users disconnection from their environment and immediate reality. They’re not immersed in the present details, and surely lack both the talent and motivation to constantly and skillfully manipulate it. Betty has showcased an extreme amount of unhealthy Ne usage. Being bombarded with alternative perspectives is a source of frustration, and big picture thinking is not her strong suit as the most cognitive influence is found in her Si. I am going to rewatch the series, as i’ve been told Riverdale "grows on you". I doubt it...as we all know post Season 3 was absolutely horrid. However, maybe i’ll change my mind after running some fresh eyes over the seasons. God i’m watching this again and this Si is SO obvious. i’ve never seen such a poster ISFJ.


Elizabeth "Betty" Cooper is a main character in Riverdale. Betty was a student at Riverdale High School and longtime best friend of Archie Andrews, Jughead Jones, Kevin Keller and Veronica Lodge. She is also a former River Vixen as well as an editor for the Register, with her mother. Betty is the youngest sibling to her sister, Polly and older half-brother, Charles Smith.

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