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Biscuit Krueger “Bisky” MBTI Personality Type

Biscuit Krueger “Bisky” MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Biscuit Krueger “Bisky”? Biscuit Krueger “Bisky” is an ENTJ personality type in MBTI, 1w2 - sx/so - 173 in Enneagram, SLOEI in Big 5, LSE in Socionics.

"She is angry, so E8" ;P Guys, the sin of the E8 is Lust, it is not Angriness. I can even agree some stereotypes may match for most of time, but this one here is against the eneagram theory itself. Angriness is the sin of E1, not E8. Upon on that, Biscuit is a perfectionist, she is also a planner, she also feels a duty to prepare and organize the environment around her. E1 is way more accurate than E8. She is not impulsive, she is not reactive. Eneagram 1) "A good name for the character (and one applicable beyond the explicitly sick region of the mental health spectrum) is perfectionism-for in spite of the fact that people in some other characterological styles may appropriately refer to themselves as "perfectionistic," this is definitely the orientation in which perfectionism is most prominent. This involves an obsession with improving things that result in making their lives and those of others worse and a narrow-minded concept of perfection in terms of a matching of experiencd or events with a pre-established code of values, standards, ideas, tastes, rules, and so on." ~ Naranjo, Character and Neurosis Finally, Sexual 1 is exactly the E1 subtype that exposes the Angriness to outside, so Sexual 1 just fits her so much! Regarding the Big 5, O is absolutely her strong trait (along with S), but I'm actually thinking she is A > E. She is way too Altruistic to be "Egoist" 😂. She dedicated her entire time on Greed Island in helping the boys, even worrying about them. And the most important part: > Not really getting anything in return < (different from Hisoka for example when he helps others). She helped the boys simply because of a pure desire to help, to be altruistic. Her altruism is very strong.


Biscuit Krueger (ビスケット゠クルーガー) is a Double-Star Stone Hunter who was a Nen teacher of Gon, Killua, and Wing. She was enlisted in clearing the video game Greed Island following the auction for the game in Yorknew City. Biscuit has a devious personality and tendency to use her cutesy appearance and demeanor to her advantage. She is currently a bodyguard for Prince Woble of Kakin during the voyage to the Dark Continent.

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