Meruem MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Meruem? Meruem is an INTJ personality type in MBTI, 8w9 - sx/so - 854 in Enneagram, RCOEI in Big 5, LSI in Socionics.

Leave it to an INTJ to start questioning the meaning of his existence out of nowhere. But jokes aside, the dude is very INTJ. I didn't know why he was typed as an INTJ initially but after a few episodes with Kumogi or whatever her name is, it was an easy shoo-in. Even when he had empathetic powers, he still acted like an INTJ. Then he gave his whole speech of changing the world just like an INTJ would. I'm suprised that he gets typed as an INFJ on external websites. He even asks her why she was crying, lol. Too INTJ to ignore.


Meruem (メルエム, Meruemu) was the most powerful offspring of the Chimera Ant Queen. He was known as the "King" (王おう, Ō) of the Chimera Ants, and served as the main antagonist of the Chimera Ant arc. Meruem's defining trait was his pride. From his birth to his death, Meruem exhibited strong confidence in himself and conviction in his actions. Because of his pride and confidence in his abilities, he displayed a code of honor as when he tried to defeat Komugi by shaking her resolve. When he gained an understanding of the unfairness of human society, where children starve while pathetic weaklings have everything they need, he wanted to destroy this madness and create a new world where the concept of inequality would be completely forgotten. Furthermore, he came to believe the true purpose of power is to protect the weak who deserve to live, not to torment the defeated. #KokiUchiyama

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