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Leorio Paradinight MBTI Personality Type

Leorio Paradinight MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Leorio Paradinight? Leorio Paradinight is an ESFJ personality type in MBTI, 3w2 - so/sx - 386 in Enneagram, SLUAN in Big 5, SEE in Socionics.

ok i guess nobody else is going to do it, so let’s explain ESFJ leorio. he’s clearly a fe user. he may be aggressive and impulsive, but that doesn’t eliminate him being an ESFJ. if you meet any ESFJs irl, we’re not all the same. leorio cares very very deeply about his friends, and his entire character and motivation is based around helping people. melody even says herself, he has the kindest heartbeat in the city. i know how he comes across, but he also has an 8 in his tritype, so he’s not going to be this passive character like people expect ESFJs to be. also, i think people see a male character and automatically assume he’s not an ESFJ. anyways, let’s move onto his si. leorio is actually a cautious person, when he’s not following an impulse for his own pleasure. he knows his friends well and he evaluates their past actions in order to protect them. it’s been awhile since i’ve watched the show and i have awful memory, so if anybody else would like to add examples, i would be eternally grateful.


Leorio Paradinight (レオリオ゠パラディナイト, Reorio Paradinaito) is a Rookie Hunter and medical student.Leorio is initially introduced as a very selfish narcissist who places great emphasis on material wealth. Despite his assertions that he is only after money, he eventually reveals to Kurapika that his dream is to one day become a doctor in order to help the poor. His real priorities seem to be friends first, then his dream of becoming a great doctor, with everything else afterward. Leorio is not one to balk and retreat when faced with overwhelming odds in battle. A loyal, trustworthy ally who greatly values the ties of friendship, he acts like the 'big brother' of the group. #MatthewMercer

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