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  2. Television
  3. Violetta (2012)

Violetta "Vilu" Castillo MBTI Personality Type

Violetta "Vilu" Castillo MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Violetta "Vilu" Castillo? Violetta "Vilu" Castillo is an INFP personality type in MBTI, 4w3 - so/sx - 469 in Enneagram, SLUAI in Big 5, EII in Socionics.

Vilu is such a 4w3. Her whole character in season 1 is about finding herself through music, and she's all about self expression and authenticity. She finds her identity through music as she says with her whole 'cantar es lo que soy' motto. Also, in season 2 with the YouMix arc, the whole thing about YouMix changing her look and making her into the image of this pop idol they thought she should be, and the fact that she was really uncomfortable with that because she didn't think it fit with who she was. And the fact that she wanted her image as a singer to reflect her true self, and not this manufactured person others wanted her to be screams 4.


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