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Iori Nagase MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Iori Nagase? Iori Nagase is an ENFP personality type in MBTI, 2w3 - so/sx - 279 in Enneagram, SCUAI in Big 5, IEE in Socionics.

I think Iori is a core 2 that is beginning to integrate into 4 at the end of the ova episodes (through acknowledging her own desires rather than always adjusting to make others happy). She struggles with her sense of identity like a 4 would be expected to (or any heart triad type really), but the way she deals with this throughout the series is by conforming to what she expects other people will like or what will make them happy, which is much more of a compliant-type strategy than a withdrawn-type strategy like a 4 would use (such as constantly separating their sense of self from others to maintain their feelings/identity of being uniquely flawed). Overall, I think 2w3 suits her well.


Iori is Taichi's classmate, a bright, friendly, popular girl. She's the president of the Student Cultural Society, but rather than lead everyone, she sets the mood and gets them excited. Occasionally she takes bold actions in front of others, be it due to carelessness or simple naivety. She had 5 different fathers in the past. And as her first stepfather turned out to have violent tendencies, she had learned to alter her personality to appease and fit the expectations of others to the point where she had become unsure who she was originally supposed to be.

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