Uta MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Uta? Uta is an ENFP personality type in MBTI, 2w3 - sx/so - 278 in Enneagram, SLOAI in Big 5, EIE in Socionics.

People who type her ENFJ. Why do you mix up socio Fe and mbti Fe? Her being expressive and rich emotional wise Just means she's a socio Fe valuer. Her whole plan and motivations resamble that of Obito from Naruto, creating an illusionary world where people can be Happy, even though no one asked her. She's clearly a core 7, when people where against her what She said was "I understood, you only have to have more fun" "Let's all have fun together, let's sing, dance and be Happy" Her creating this fake reality Is literally rejecting Se, how can se be ENFJ LMAO. Her idealism, her wanting people to be all equal and an idealistic world where peace exist are just xNFx traits, idealistic view of the world with pirates making fun of her for this and Shanks (a real ENFJ) actually explaining to her how reality works, It doesn't exist a peaceful world with everyone happy and with people being equal (She rejected really strongly authorites and ranking because of her Fi) but that she could make people Happy with her music. Before you say "but Shanks Is an ESTP" remember that in the movie Shanks considers Luffy way way too impulsive and that's why he rejects bringing him with them. Uta Is a clear sexual 7, Just like Lucine from berserk that wanted a Place, an illusion, where all the children and her could have fun all the day together and even started to think that doing the war was a game, Uta no that much different with her "let's play Who finds out the evil pirates First", again her idealism comes from her being a sx7 and NF clearly. Same motivations, same core, literally.


Uta is a famous singer in One Piece series. She is the adoptive daughter of Red-Haired Shanks and childhood friend of Monkey D. Luffy. Uta is regarded as the most beloved singer in the world and her popularity even reaches the Celestial Dragon and Five Elders. She first appeared in the film One Piece Film: Red.
