Black MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Black? Black is an ENTJ personality type in MBTI, 7w8 - so/sp - in Enneagram, SCOEI in Big 5, in Socionics.

Te-Ni-Se is insanely clear by the way he handles himself, he excudes Te-Se. Te: His entire philosophy is read and implement. Hes constantly organizing, and asserting his rules. He is commanding and straightforward. He doesn't care how things work, he cares about using what is known and excuting. Ni: He has insanely good foresight and planning ahead. He literally planned his entire journey and names his Pokemon based on what they will eventually become, instead of what they are now. Se: He is truly a doer. It pairs well with his Te. He learns and gets his hands dirty, constantly practicing his ability to command and think on his feet. He loves getting experience in the moment too. Going out and doing work. Fi: He gets to truly be himself and feel like that with Musha. He excuses emotions for excuting stuff. E3 because his literal entire belief system and goals are built around success


The male protagonist of the BW arc, he is an eager boy who aims to win the Pokémon League. He has a one-track mind regarding his dreams, to the point that he needs an outlet so that he can think about anything other than the League. First Pokémon are a Rufflet named Brav and a Munna named Musha while his starter is a Tepig named Tep.

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