Ruby MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Ruby? Ruby is an ISFP personality type in MBTI, 4w3 - sp/so - 416 in Enneagram, RCUEN in Big 5, IEI in Socionics.

Personally, I see him having Fi over Fe. He has a dream of doing Pokémon contests, and runs away multiple times to pursue that. Following his dreams regardless of the disharmony it would cause around him. (personally, my Fe would beat me up if i ever considered that). He’s also very adamant about not battling, which is a value he has. edit: ALSO we always see him making decisions based on his emotions; in ORAS he just didn’t tell Sapphire anything in order to protect her, but she ended up finding out anyways. Plus, in RS, he locked her in Wallace’s air car in order to protect her, and teamed up with Courtney instead, despite him and Sapphire training together at the Mirage Island. When Sapphire initially asks him to help, he refuses; an Fe user would have taken the opinion from everyone around them (which would be to help) and have accepted. I’m not trying to paint Fi in a negative light, but when unhealthy it can seem like the world revolves around them, and we can see that clearly with Ruby throughout the series. Feel free to reply and question it, i just doubt he’s an INFJ. (i’ll explain enneagram and more in replies)


The male protagonist of the RS Arc. Despite being the son of Gym Leader Norman, Ruby is deeply fixated on Pokémon contests and the beauty and appearance of his team. Naturally, this has put him at odds with his father. First Pokémon(s) are a Skitty named Kiki, a Poochyena named Nana, and a Ralts named Rara. His starter is a Mudkip named Mumu.

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