Enel MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Enel? Enel is an ENTJ personality type in MBTI, 7w8 - sp/sx - 738 in Enneagram, SCOEI in Big 5, EIE in Socionics.

I don't get the ENTP typing. All he values is power and status and he's fixiated on the delusion that he's a God. Seems like unhealthy Te and Ni to me.


Enel (エネル, Eneru) is the former "God" of Skypiea. He is the main antagonist of the Skypiea Arc. Years ago, he was born a normal Bilkan on Bilka. When he ate the Logia "Rumble-Rumble Fruit" giving him control over thunder. He destroyed his former land and overthrew the throne of Skypiea with his army of followers for six years. His next goal was to build the Ark Maxim to reach a desert named Endless Varse. Two years ago, he staged a brawl called the Survival Game to see who would follow him to Endless Varse. He destroyed Angel Island and planned to do the same to Skypiea. At the end of the Survival Game, Eneru finds out he cannot kill Monkey D. Luffy and lost against him. After his defeat by the Straw Hat Pirates #ENFJVillains
