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Sapphire Birch (Odamaki Sapphire) MBTI Personality Type

Sapphire Birch (Odamaki Sapphire) MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Sapphire Birch (Odamaki Sapphire)? Sapphire Birch (Odamaki Sapphire) is an ESFP personality type in MBTI, 7w8 - sx/sp - in Enneagram, SLUAN in Big 5, SLE in Socionics.

If we assume that Sapphire is ESFP, then her "Ti" would actually be tert Te. I think it makes sense with how she acts (as previous commenters said, she is emotional but can also be reactive and knows when to put feelings aside, seems like Se-Te). But im pretty split on this argument and i think that she can be ESTP.


The female protagonist for the RS arc. The yang to Ruby's yin, she assists Prof. Birch in his studies and is more than ready for anything nature can throw at her. After an argument with Ruby, she sets off both their journeys with a bet - she'll see Pokémon contests in a new light if he can get all the ribbons in 80 days, while she seeks to get all the local badges in that time limit. First Pokémon is an Aron named Rono while starter is a Torchic named Chic.

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