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Queen Tiabeanie “Bean” Mariabeanie de la Rochambeaux Grunkwitz MBTI Personality Type

Queen Tiabeanie “Bean” Mariabeanie de la Rochambeaux Grunkwitz MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Queen Tiabeanie “Bean” Mariabeanie de la Rochambeaux Grunkwitz? Queen Tiabeanie “Bean” Mariabeanie de la Rochambeaux Grunkwitz is an ESFP personality type in MBTI, 7w8 - so/sx - 748 in Enneagram, SLUEI in Big 5, SEE in Socionics.

Bean seems to use Fi, she always wants to know who she really is, and ignores kingdom harmony a lot in order to have fun. But since she became queen, she seemed to use Fe. She liked that all the harmony of the kingdom was seen in her, she began to want to help everyone with real causes, and not just for status as her father or mother often did, which exempted me from the possibility that she would do it because she is 2w3 or 3w2. Bean prefers to be seen as someone without that much power, like people saw her father, and for that reason she always manages to discover new things.


Regent Queen Tiabeanie Mariabeanie de la Rochambeaux Grunkwitz, better known as Bean, is the main character of Disenchantment. She is the 19-year-old Queen of Dreamland and possible heir to the throne of Maru. She is the daughter of King Zog and Dagmar and the older half-sister of the King Derek. Bean as a newborn with her parents. Bean is a hard drinker and is constantly accompanied by her elf friend Elfo, and her personal demon Luci (until they died or disappear). After her father becomes mentally broken and Derek accompanies Oona in her pirate life, Bean is crowned Queen of Dreamland.

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