Nami MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Nami? Nami is an ESTJ personality type in MBTI, 6w5 - sp/so - 638 in Enneagram, SLOEI in Big 5, LIE in Socionics.

(Part 1. Next parts are in the comment under this thread ) I understand how difficult it can be to tell an ENTJ apart from an ESTJ because Te is such a strong prevalent function. But I do think Nami is Te-Si-Ne-Fi. Firstly, I think we can all agree than Nami is Te dominant and Fi inferior : her inferior Fi is the reason she cares so deeply for her friends, cries for them, is compassionate and has that moral compass that leads her to want to save the children from Punk Hazard after learning from Chopper that they were abducted, etc. Obviously she is still a Te as opposed to Luffy : she takes most her decisions through her reasoning, and her morals come as a support, not the contrary. For example, she initially choose to follow Eneru when all the strongest crew member had been taken down, because she knew it was the most logical choice to make to survive. She is also always shown tricking people for her own benefit, when she doesn’t have any emotional attachment to them (especially pre-timeskip), obvious Te dom. Furthermore, Nami is always shown making choices that make sense and that she can explain. Throughout the story, she learns to trust the straw hats completely and to rely on them, and she develops all her functions really healthily, but she is still very controlling of others on how things have to be done and when, which is very ESTJ. I will not go into deep in her Te-Fi, though it’s a side of her character I appreciate the most, because it’s just so obvious she has these functions (but I can also explain that if you want!) But here’s why she is ESTJ instead of ENTJ. It’s especially at the beginning of the series that Nami’s Te-Si traits are the most obvious. One of these traits is the way she forms opinions on things : she for instance despised all pirates and would not hesitate to claim it. She viewed them as universally evil, based on her concrete past experience with the loss of her village and Bell-mère, which is obvious Te-Si behaviour (« I have had that concrete tangible experience with some pirates in the past, thus all pirates must be bad » reasoning process). 
She also shows Si many times in the early arcs, for example when she remembers vividly of the abuse she suffered such as one of Arlong's crewmates refusing to feed her as well as the pain and exhaustion on the streets from stealing money in an attempt to buy back the village from Arlong. It’s only after acknowledging Luffy’s continued selfless actions prior to her official entry into the crew that she changed her mind about pirates. That’s a huge sign of Te-Si thinking process: « I have come to a conclusion based on real-life, tangible, personal experience. I can change my opinion after being proven wrong » (new tangible experience). As opposed to that, a Ni Dom would not come to conclusions as quickly as Nami, because Ni, is often referred to as « a puzzle » that needs all of the pieces : personal tangible experience is not enough for Ni to come to a conclusion. Te-Ni is way more at ease with / interested in paradoxes, which isn’t Nami’s case. On the other hand, Ni aux couldn’t change their worldview given a new piece of evidence the way Nami did : because for Ni, if a piece of the puzzle doesn’t fit right, then that means the whole puzzle is wrong and all their questioning has to be ENTIRELY rethought ; Ni-Se think of things is terms of what they represent and not what they concretely are. But Nami isn’t like Ni. She has hard judgments, but her perceptions can change (quite quickly!) given external concrete facts and evidence (ISTJ behaviour). There are other multiple examples of her Te-Si through the series : Nami is disbelieving in what she has not seen with her own eyes or seems irrational : she dismissed Devil fruits as myths, she disbelieved the existence of Skipiea, and was dubious over claims of a connection between Sanji and Germa 66. Ironically, all these legends were proven true to her when she saw Buggy's powers in action, when Robin showed that the Log Pose pointing at Skypiea was a proof it existed, and when Pekoms confirmed Germa and Sanji's history together. She was shocked to see and hear that she was wrong but she accepted it all because there was immediate given evidence / proof. HUGE sign of ISTJ Te-Si process. Also tertiary Se makes ENTJs reflect on their personal values to ensure meaningful direction, and they have a genuine desire to make the world a better place, which we have not seen in Nami, ever. She holds firmly onto what she thinks is right and doesn’t have as self reflection as an ENTJ. When she changes, it’s always with the intervention/help of some external factor, not Ni hindsight.


A sly, spunky thief, master manipulator, and outstanding navigator who dreams of making a map of the entire world. She's quite greedy and obsessed with cash, often conning other characters, even her own crewmates. Possesses an instinctive ability to predict the weather that borders on the supernatural, which later becomes the basis of her combat techniques.

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