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  3. Family Guy (1999)

Megatron “Meg” Griffin MBTI Personality Type

Megatron “Meg” Griffin MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Megatron “Meg” Griffin? Megatron “Meg” Griffin is an ISFJ personality type in MBTI, 6w7 - so/sx - 641 in Enneagram, RLUAI in Big 5, IEI in Socionics.

You guys will vote any joke character as INFP but she has no Fi at all she wants to fit in which is Fe. Every INFP stereotype seems so wrong. Being submissive, wanting to be liked, being attention whores, ect. There are actual problems with Fi like being too stubborn or idealistic and extremely illogical but somehow every INFP stereotype seems to fit ISFJs I have no idea how it happened. A Fi user would want to stand up for themselves more. There are moments where she stands against the family's abuse they aren't that often because Family Guy hates character development so she goes back to willingly being the Family punching bag to make them happy which is a demented form of Fe. She's a people pleaser.


An average teenager with average teen problems. Probably the only normal one of the family. Although lately, she's so psychologically screwed up that she's basically Walking Black Comedy. Voiced by Lacey Chabert in the first season (however, she was not credited), Mila Kunis in the rest, and Rachael MacFarlane in the unaired pilot.

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