Dante MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Dante? Dante is an ESTP personality type in MBTI, 6w5 - sx/sp - 683 in Enneagram, SLOEN in Big 5, LSE in Socionics.

Alright, I have no idea why he's typed ESFP. There can be made a lot of arguments regarding the high SE but when it comes to Fi vs Fe the answer is pretty much obvious if you know a bit about the cognitive functions. Tertiary FE users usually long for admiration from others through pleasing them which can be seen in his behavior towards his co-workers or Vanitas himself. Also he's very expressive in his emotions and tend to burst out in (some way controllable) rage. He also seems to use Ti a lot regarding what he is actually doing with the information he's given and how he fits it in his framework of perceiving reality. Overall, I personally think that ESTP fits him much better but I'd like to hear arguments about ESFP, maybe than I'll change my mind


Dante is a Dhampir acting as an insurance broker and jack-of-all-trades, he often partners with Vanitas, selling him information or working alongside him in pursuit of Curse-Bearing Vampires. Dante tends to be rather carefree when dealing with Vanitas - though he is easily annoyed by his employer and partner - particularly when Vanitas addresses him as "Baldy." The two often take jabs at each other playfully, though in reality they enjoy each other's company. In a lot of instances Dante shows that he is very protective of those closest to him by nature. Dante is scared of dark and creepy places, like the catacombs and the forest.

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