Max Irons MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Max Irons? Max Irons is an INFJ personality type in MBTI, 6w5 - - in Enneagram, in Big 5, EII in Socionics.

Don't know if someone will ever read this until the end cause it's very long but i enjoyed doing the analysis; also he's one of my fav actors. So, firsly it's impossible for him to have inferior Fe, let alone blind Fe. Part 1/4 Fe > Fi Even in his older interviews where he was very young, he always displayed a lot of Fe, complimenting his co-stars, being very in tune with the interviewer, making eye contact and smiling a lot, not trying to break the harmony, making the other co-star/interviewer at ease, be respectful and kind. He just doesn't go there to be interviewed but he actually have quite a discussion with them which is indicating of shifting the attention off of himself. Nor is he concerned about being authentic and expressing his real feelings towards the other person. Even if the interviewer is quite unpleasant, he still try to keep the harmony. -> So based on that, his type is narrowed down between XXFJ or EXTP cause he has high Fe


Maximilian Paul Diarmuid Irons is an English-Irish actor and model. He is known for his roles in Red Riding Hood, his first leading role in Bitter Harvest, The White Queen, The Host, Woman in Gold, The Riot Club, and The Wife. 

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