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  3. Dune (2021)

Dr. Wellington Yueh MBTI Personality Type

Dr. Wellington Yueh MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Dr. Wellington Yueh? Dr. Wellington Yueh is an INFP personality type in MBTI, 6w5 - sx/sp - 692 in Enneagram, in Big 5, ESI in Socionics.

I'm usually not a fan of typing characters with little screen time, but I feel like Yueh was a painfully obvious INFP. His decision to betray House Atreides in hopes of being able to see his wife again was Fi. If your wondering why, think process of elimination: it sure wasn't Fe, because he is considering only himself, and his wife. But he doesn't do it for his wife, he does it for him, because he values his wife. It also isn't Ti or Te, because there's no logic on what he did at all. So Fi dom for sure. That leaves two options: INFP or ISFP. I feel like he is INFP because Se would keep him more grounded in reality, and see whats going on. But he is so caught up in his hopes of getting revenge on the Baron and seeing his wife again, which to me seems like Fi-Ne.

